
Dr. Manoj Chalam and Jyothi Chalam


Dr Manoj Chalam

Manoj uses an entertaining story telling style using Hindu/Buddhist deities in his workshops to illuminate deep Vedanta philosophy and help people in their hero’s journey. These days people call Manoj a spiritual stand up comedian but he often falls flat on his face and that keeps his ego in check.An Indian-born scientist with a PhD from Cornell University, Manoj helps individuals find their archetypes in Hindu Yogic deities and teaches the 5 practices to work with their archetype as a Vedantic practice. He has also compiled a book on the symbolisms of Hindu and Buddhist deity archetypes.


Jyothi Chalam

Jyothi is a scholar and teacher of Advaita Vedanta philosophy (and Manoj’s teacher) as well as an accomplished South Indian classical music singer. She is known as a teacher’s teacher – when it comes to Vedanta philosophy and Sadhana practices. Jyothi has had ten years of intensive study studying the Vedantic scriptures of the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and the Brahmasutras. And translating it to the Yogic practices of Mediation, Puja, Pranayama, Mantra chantings and Hatha yoga. Many people end up studying Vedanta from Jyothi by Skype one on one. It’s based on the original ashram style teacher-student model. All at no charge. Jyothi’s lineage comes from Swami Dayananda Saraswati of Arsha Vidya Gurukulam.